Occurrence - Code 19925

Occurrence Details
Date 2005-01-15 -- 2005-02-28
Method Ensacamento
Additional observations
Occurrence author
Name Lilian Mari Marcondes Cesar-Tognoli
Address _
Institution Unesp - Rio Claro
Project BIOprospecTA - A bioprospecção da fauna de artrópodes do Estado de São Paulo pela procura de compostos-líderes para o desenvolvimento racional de novos fármacos e pesticidas seletivos.
Website http://www.rc.unesp.br/lbez/
Reference Cesar LM, Mendes MA, Tormena CF, Marques MR, de Souza BM, Saidemberg DM, Bittencourt JC, Palma MS. Isolation and chemical characterization of PwTx-II: a novel alkaloid toxin from the venom of the spider Parawixia bistriata (Araneidae, Araneae). Toxicon. 2005 Dec 1;46(7):786-96. Epub 2005 Sep 23.
Date & user Dec. 8, 2008 by user (mspalma)
Municipality Rio Claro, SP
Location _
Environment Terrestrial
Basin Piracicaba/Capivari/Jundiaí
GPS Precision 0.0
Occurrence Precision Occurrence Area
Occurrence Extension 200 m^2
Ecosystems Urbanos
Habitats Reflorestamento (exóticas)
Microhabitats Outros
Taxonomic Information
Content 1 specimens
Taxonomic Groups Araneae

Species List